Paradise (c1940) celebrates a truly rich mix of styles. The document from which this paper is drawn is actually a 20th Century piece, but the subject – exotic flora and the familiar oriental ho-ho birds - is classic ancient Chinoiserie, whilst the colouration in the original is very much in the style of a 19th Century French paper. This design retains the original’s oversized repeat and has been reproduced in six stunning colourways.
Échantillonner ce papier-peint
Nous vous recommandons de commander un échantillon de papier peint avant l'achat pour vous assurer que vous êtes satisfait du résultat final, car les couleurs peuvent varier entre l'écran et la réalité. - Aquamarine by Colour/Papier-peint Vert/Wallpaper/Wallpaper by Colour/Papier-peint Bleu/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papier-peint Floral/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints aux Oiseaux/Wallpaper/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Period/Papiers-peints du XXème siècle/Wallpaper/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Archive Trails I/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints Motifs Imposants33394044515965173266<p>Paradise (c1940) celebrates a truly rich mix of styles. The document from which this paper is drawn is actually a 20th Century piece, but the subject – exotic flora and the familiar oriental ho-ho birds - is classic ancient Chinoiserie, whilst the colouration in the original is very much in<br />the style of a 19th Century French paper. This design retains the original’s oversized repeat and has been reproduced in six stunning colourways.</p> <p>Paradise (c1940) celebrates a truly rich mix of styles. The document from which this paper is drawn is actually a 20th Century piece, but the subject – exotic flora and the familiar oriental ho-ho birds - is classic ancient Chinoiserie, whilst the colouration in the original is very much in<br />the style of a 19th Century French paper. This design retains the original’s oversized repeat and has been reproduced in six stunning colourways.</p>00 TrailsPaste the WallWashableStandard10.0552103.5/a/t/at_paradiseaquamarine_3x.jpgLOFTW/c/o/colour_pair_right_image_otnpj0pu929qneci.jpg/p/a/paradise_lifestyle_1_3kngirv60ety1adq.jpg/a/t/at_paradiseaquamarine_3x.jpg/p/a/paradise_aquamarine_1920x405.jpg/a/t/at-paradisehightsaquam_3x.jpg/a/t/at_paradiseaquamarine_3x.jpgWallpaper Application - Paste the WallWallpaper WashabilityWallpaper Roll WidthWallpaper Roll LengthWallpaper - RepeatWallpaper Collection0248PAAQUAM