Mandalay Arbour, un panoramique représentant un arbre de vie, dans des teintes pâles. Ce motif est directement inspiré des revêtements muraux en cuir de la salle à manger de Bateman’s dans l’East Sussex. Commandez-le dès maintenant !
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Nous vous recommandons de commander un échantillon de papier peint avant l'achat pour vous assurer que vous êtes satisfait du résultat final, car les couleurs peuvent varier entre l'écran et la réalité. - Arbour Collections/National Trust Papers/National Trust Papers II /Wallpaper/Wallpaper Collections/National Trust Papers/National Trust Papers II /Mandalay/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints Muraux/Wallpaper/Wallpaper by Colour/Papier-peint Neutre/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints aux Oiseaux/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Period/Papiers-peints du XXème siècle27727953355165Mandalay Arbour, un panoramique représentant un arbre de vie, dans des teintes pâles. Ce motif est directement inspiré des revêtements muraux en cuir de la salle à manger de Bateman’s dans l’East Sussex. Commandez-le dès maintenant ! <p>Mandalay’ (Bateman’s) c.1712 This tree of life design is drawn directly from the leather wallcoverings in the dining room at Bateman’s, a Jacobean mansion in East Sussex. Elaborate designs such as these were inspired by 17th-century Indian chintzes, which often depicted sinuous flowering trees with birds among their branches. Leather hangings foreran wallpaper as we know it today, and although panels of this kind required a different skill to create, the process by which early wallpapers were hung, and their decorative effect in the room, is very similar. Documented as Dutch in origin, Mr & Mrs Rudyard Kipling paid 100 guineas for them in 1902, having recently bought Bateman’s as their family home. The paper versions are printed on a wide (70cm) roll and the pattern has been adapted to repeat effortlessly and continuously along the wall.</p>00 Trust Papers II Paste the WallWashableMural10.0570325 x 210/n/t/ntii_mandalay_arbour_swatch_compact_201x233.jpg0260MDARBOU/m/a/mandalay_arbour_mural_dimensions_apr23.jpg/n/t/ntii_mandalay_arbour_swatch_3x.jpg/n/t/ntii_mandalay_arbour_1920x405.jpg/n/t/ntii_mandalay_arbour_swatch_thumbnail_130x198.jpg/n/t/ntii_mandalay_arbour_list_390x450.jpgWallpaper Application - Paste the WallWallpaper WashabilityWallpaper Roll WidthWallpaper Roll LengthMural Repeat - 3.25m x 2.1m across Wallpaper Collection0261MDARBOU