China Rose French Grey Lustre, un papier peint 19ème siècle rose gris. Un mélange de couleurs opposées : la passion et la discrétion, le tout associé à des motifs naturels et fleuris. Il trouve idéalement sa place sur un mur de chambre d'enfant.
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Explorer les fonctions China Rose - French Grey Lustre Rose - French Grey Lustre Collections/Archive Trails/Archive Trails I/China Rose/Wallpaper/Wallpaper by Colour/Papier-peint Gris /Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papier-peint Floral/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papier-peint Métallique/Wallpaper/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Period/Papiers-peints du XIXème siècle/Wallpaper/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Archive Trails I/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints Motifs Imposants/Wallpaper/Wallpapers by Style/Papiers-peints Orientaux33175364445596417326652China Rose French Grey Lustre, un papier peint 19ème siècle rose gris. Un mélange de couleurs opposées : la passion et la discrétion, le tout associé à des motifs naturels et fleuris. Il trouve idéalement sa place sur un mur de chambre d'enfant. <p>China Rose (c1885) is a classic flamboyant floral, taken from a late 19th Century French hand-painted<br />‘Peking Stripe’ fabric with a distinct Chinese influence. The distressed opaque colours in the leaves and<br />petals portray the hand of the original artist, in contrast with a judicious modern-day use of mica and<br />metallic inks as witnessed in some colourways.</p>00 RoseArchive TrailsPaste the WallSpongeableStandard10.055268.5/a/t/at_chinarosefrenchgreylustre_3x.jpg/c/o/colour_pair_right_image_otnpj0pu929qneci.jpg/a/t/at_chinarosefrenchgreylustre_3x.jpg/a/t/at_china-rose_french-grey-lustre_1920x404.jpg/a/t/at_chinarosefrenchgreylustre_3x.jpg/a/t/at_chinarosefrenchgreylustre_3x.jpgWallpaper Application - Paste the WallWallpaper WashabilityWallpaper Roll WidthWallpaper Roll LengthWallpaper - RepeatWallpaper Collection0248CHFRENC